I had a few glitches with pi-hole, not caused by the product, caused by a failure of SD card (a common thing with Raspberry Pis). New SD card procured so a rebuild was necessary. A browse of reddit turned up technitium so why not, let’s give it a go. Less than 10 minutes later a fresh install of diet-pi and technitium and I was good to go.
In short order, it was installed on 2 Raspberry Pis running as a primary and secondary with proper zone transfers between them. Both are set up as recursive DNS (only accepting requests from my local network!) so that gives me some privacy in that no-one else is seeing my DNS requests. Both are also set up to provide network wide blocking too, just like pi-hole.
The dashboard is really informative (no dark mode tho) and the product seems to be getting regular updates. Check out the website and also the reddit, a useful source of info.
All in all it was easy and I’m not sure why this open source product isn’t getting more love. Pi-hole is great but if you want that bit more from your DNS, and more control, then give technitium a whirl.